New at the Polls this November – Digital Poll Books

New at the Polls this November – Digital Poll Books

image of a tablet used for signing in voters
Bucks County is upgrading the voting system to replace paper poll books with new digital tablets. The new tablets will to help streamline the voting process and save the county the resources it takes to print and distribute paper poll books for every election.
Starting in November, each of Bucks County's 307 precincts will primarily use digital tablet poll books to sign in voters and verify signatures. Paperback poll books will also be printed a final time for the upcoming elections, as a backup and for poll workers who may still be uncomfortable with the new system.
The digital tablets were tested in random polling locations throughout Bucks County during the primary elections and the tablets received positive reviews. The tablets are NOT connected to the internet and will be using a closed operating system.
Another benefit of the digital poll books is helping people find their correct polling place. If you walk into the poll and you’re not sure where you are supposed to vote, the election official can quickly look up your information and send you to the right location.
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Bucks County