Local Happenings

Local Happenings

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March 6, 6:00 pm. Virtual on Zoom Delaware Valley University One Health Seminar: Global Indigenous Struggles and Climate Change Activism".

Presenter: James Fenelon, California State University-San Bernardino 
Indigenous peoples and nations embody worldviews and biocultural societies that nurture healthier relationships with “Mother Earth”. Indigenous survivance and resistance—often considered “activism”—(re)asserts sustainable Indigenous worlds versus a hegemonic colonial-capitalist-state system bent on accumulation, extraction and exploitation, which drives climate change. This presentation provides a global overview and regional examples of Indigenous struggles, centering Indigenous contestations over ‘Anthropocene’ crises.  All are welcome, but you must register for the Zoom Webinar event at www.delval.edu/onehealth 

March 18, Noon. Virtual on Zoom Delaware Valley University One Health Seminar: Doughnut Economics: Tools and Action for 21st Century Economies".

Presenter: Andrew Fanning, Doughnut Economics Action Lab 
One Health is a multi-disciplinary approach that works locally, regionally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal well-being for people and society, the environment and plants, and animals. Together, the three major components make up the One Health triad, and the well-being of each is inextricably linked to the others in the triad. The One Health Seminar Series brings speakers to campus to address a variety of One Health-related topic. All are welcome, but you must register for the Zoom Webinar event at www.delval.edu/onehealth