This next election is up to women!

This next election is up to women!

photo of black woman standing in a crowd holding a sign that reads women power the vote
Blog Post
By Sue Houston, LWVBC Member
August 26 celebrates Women's Equality Day to commemorate the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.  It was first celebrated in 1971, designated by Congress in1973, and is proclaimed each year by the US President.  Congresswoman Bella Abzug of New York introduced the resolution to designate August 26 as Women’s Equality Day. 
When President Nixon issued the Proclamation he began, “The struggle for women’s suffrage was only the first step toward full and equal participation of women in our Nation’s life  …Today women are making important contributions to the quality of American life.  Yet much remains to be done.”
Yet today, women have fewer rights than they'd had in decades. To recognize this, the League of Women Voters acknowledges August 26 as Women's Inequality Day.
Women's votes hold enormous power in our elections. In the 2022 election, overall, women voted at higher rates than men. To learn more about the power of women voters and how women voted in your state, read the LWV blog REPORT: Women Voters by the Numbers.  Heading to the polls is an unmissable opportunity to wield our influence and vote on the issues that impact us. Reproductive rights, jobs, health care, education — politicians cannot afford to ignore women's voices on these issues.
So get ready to make your voice heard with tools like! Check your registration, find out where your candidate stands on the issues, get your polling info, and share resources with your friends. Women power elections. That includes you.
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Bucks County