Open Letter to the Central Bucks School District

Open Letter to the Central Bucks School District


To:  Central Bucks Board of School Directors and Dr. Lucabaugh

The League of Women Voters of Bucks County is a non-partisan, century-old grassroots organization that has a long tradition of championing the rights, abilities and confidence of women and all people to participate fully in our democracy.  Our nonpartisan efforts workto increase understanding of major public policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.

We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in principle and in practice.  These ideals are central to our organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy. 

As a nation, state, and collection of communities, public education is the bedrock of our democracy. It informs the values and perspectives that shape our ideologies, civic engagement, and priorities. At its best, education inspires us to broaden our view, challenge systems, and fulfill our promise of a truly representative democracy.  Education that is narrowly focused or is exclusive stifles learning and robs students of the full benefit of their education as a resource for citizenship and productive lives.

The League of Women Voters of Bucks County supports approaches to education that embed diverse thoughts, perspectives, identities, cultures and ethnicities into the curriculum and discussions; provides a complete presentation and analytical examination of academic content that is grounded in facts, research and credible resources; invites open and civil dialogue, respectful debate and appreciation of the complexity of issues; and examines complete accounts of history and modern events.  This approach to education prepares students to participate in shaping their lives, their communities and the future.

We support the Central Bucks School District and their work to establish goals, objectives, and action plans to infuse diversity, equity, and inclusion into their culture and practice – and applaud the communities and families who support them.

The League of Women Voters of Bucks County supports professional educators and public school leaders and their important role in our democracy. We support all nonpartisan efforts to restore honest discussion and civil dialogue intended to build deeper understanding and eventual consensus around the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.


Jean Weston and Sandra Kerr

Co-Presidents, League of Women Voters of Bucks County

League to which this content belongs: 
Bucks County