Press release: LWV of Bucks County asks voters to urge candidates to participate in forums

Press release: LWV of Bucks County asks voters to urge candidates to participate in forums

Candidate Forum

The non-partisan ­­­League of Women Voters of Bucks County has invited every candidate running for the Pennsylvania State Senate or State House of Representatives to participate in a candidate forum prior to the election on November 8th.  We have proposed in-person forums for the four senate candidates, and remote forums via Zoom for the ten house candidates.  Each forum will be live-streamed and subsequently available on the League’s YouTube channel.

In addition, all candidates on the November ballot have been invited to respond to the League’s online voters’ guide,  On this site, candidates can present their biographical information and share their positions on several issues of importance to voters in Bucks County.  Their responses are unedited by the League.

The League will hold forums for every Bucks County legislative district in which at least 2 candidates have agreed to appear.  All responses to Vote411 will be published online as they come in.  We urge all candidates to participate in these forums and voters’ guides out of respect for the voters of Bucks County.

Since its founding over a century ago, the non-partisan League of Women Voters has sought to help citizens become informed voters.  Both the forums and guides are valuable tools where candidates present their positions to the voters, side-by-side.  Our candidate forums have been extremely well attended by members of both parties and by independents.  And many voters count on our voters’ guides to help them know where each candidate stands.  And candidates have valued the opportunity to put their views before the people they hope will vote for them.

We encourage all candidates to share their views with the voters via the League’s non-partisan candidate forums and voters’ guides. We ask voters to urge the candidates in their districts to participate.

League to which this content belongs: 
Bucks County