Time well spent: counting mail-in votes

Time well spent: counting mail-in votes


The June 2, 2020, Primary Election ballot count is complete, and official results posted. The voting experience in Pennsylvania's primary was the first rollout for major changes due to the historic bipartisan legislation of 2019 and an experience that was delayed and impacted by the pandemic.  

‘Lessons learned’ are still being widely discussed, and some changes already implemented for a smoother experience in November. However, what is for sure is that with the demand for mail-in ballots expected to be great for the November 3 General Election, tallying votes will take more time.

Although a demand for no excuse mail-in ballots was expected, COVID-19 was not. In Bucks County, as well as 22 of the other 67 counties in Pennsylvania, the demand for mail-in ballots for the primary election exceeded in-person voting.

Unlike previous elections, this newly acquired opportunity for exercising our voting franchise – mail-in ballots- and other factors require voters not to expect all election results to be called or announced on Election Day. Understanding that election workers need to verify voter signatures on mail-in and absentee ballots to confirm validity, sort, open multiple envelopes, and finally scan the ballots; a delayed result with an increased number of mailed ballots means the system is working as it should to ensure  the integrity of our election  process.

The League of Women Voters of Bucks County believes it important for every vote to be counted and every voter's voice to be heard. We encourage all voters to check their registration at Pennsylvania's official VotesPA.com, make a plan now for voting by knowing deadlines for mail-in ballot requests and returns, and familiarize yourself with candidates' positions by visiting the League of Women Voters' Vote411.org. In-person voting is made possible by regular citizens working as poll workers. Consider how you can contribute to a smooth election by working as a poll worker and contact our Bucks County Board of Elections for details at (215) 348-6154.


Monica Weninger

Jean Weston


League of Women Voters of Bucks County

League to which this content belongs: 
Bucks County