

BookChats are intended to support our League in learning about topics and themes related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility.  Talking about topics like race, gender, and social justice inequities can sometimes be uncomfortable and awkward.  Our discussions provide an opportunity through a shared experience – reading a book - to learn, gain awareness and practice discussions so they become less uncomfortable.


Join our next BookChat:

book cover:  this is how it always is:  a novel by Laurie Frankel

This Is How It Always Is:  A Novel.  By Laurie Frankel

Writer Laurie Frankel has written a novel about a family with five boys in which the youngest feels he's something entirely different — a girl. It's a story that's close to Frankel's heart because she's living it: Her own child was born a boy and now identifies as a girl.  

LEARN MORE about the book here.


Two discussion sessions are available on Tuesday June 25th:

    • 1:30 PM:  Free Library of Northampton, Richboro, PA
    • 6:30 PM via Zoom (the Zoom invite will be emailed prior to the session)


You will receive an email with additional information and logistics prior to the session.

Please consider purchasing the book from a local, independent bookstore:

Doylestown Bookshop ♦  Newtown Bookshop ♦ Frenchtown Bookshop ♦