An amendment to change the Pennsylvania constitution to elect appellate court judges from regional districts is making its way through the Pennsylvania legislature. Our highest courts have long been essential guardians in the fight against voter suppression. The judicial district bill is an attempt to undermine that role. We oppose the bill and object to procedural rules that allow such a bill a vote while denying a vote for so many far better bills with far more public support.
Constitutional amendments need to pass in two consecutive sessions then go to public referendum, so last session's HB 196 has been reintroduced in this new session as HB 38. It was voted on in the House Judiciary Committee on January 13 with less than 24 hours notice.
If the bill passes both chambers by early to mid-February it could be on the ballot as soon as May this year. The full House floor could happen as early as Tuesday, January 26.
LWVPA encourages immediate action in opposition to this bill: Contact your state representative and senator to ask for a NO vote on House Bill 38. Also express your concern about the lack of transparency in passage of the bill in the last session and in the process so far in this.
You can find your legislators, see how they voted, and read helpful message points here.
Read the full LWVPA board statement on HB 38 here.