Tell the Department of Energy We Oppose Hydrogen Hubs for Pennsylvania

Tell the Department of Energy We Oppose Hydrogen Hubs for Pennsylvania

Hydrogen Tank
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Aug 18 2023 to Sep 25 2023

Hydrogen hubs are manufacturing centers for producing hydrogen fuel from liquified natural gas (LNG). Proponents of these centers tout them as clean energy hydrogen hubs, but this is misleading. All hydrogen hubs rely heavily or entirely on blue hydrogen which is produced from fracked gas. If renewable energy were used, it would produce green hydrogen, which would be a clean energy source.

Three hydrogen hub applications involving Pennsylvania have been submitted to the US Department of Energy (DOE): MACH2 is in southeastern PA, and DNA and ARCH2 are in western PA.

I any applications are awarded funding by the DOE, Pennsylvania will face the buildout of more fossil fuel infrastructure such as power plants and pipelines, including dangerous, unregulated CO2 pipelines across Pennsylvania and decades of fracking. Our climate, air, water, health and safety will continue to be adversely impacted by the fossil fuel industry under the guise of so-called "clean hydrogen”. 

LWVPA and Food and Water Watch are teaming up on a letter-writing campaign to the US Department of Energy (DOE).  We are writing in opposition to hydrogen hubs in Pennsylvania.  Over the coming months the DOE will make decisions about allocating funds from the Inflation Reduction Act for hydrogen hubs, and now is the time to act to keep this dirty energy out of Pennsylvania. Handwritten letters are an effective way of getting the attention of DOE officials.  Please write to the person in charge of the decision-making process, Director Shalanda H. Baker at the following address:

Shalanda H. Baker
Director, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20585

Funding decisions are expected in October so please send by September 25, 2023. If you would like a template letter, please contact kathy.cook [at]">Kathy Cook.Kathy.cook [at] (
