Join us for the Hot Topic - Building the Public Health Infrastructure in Delaware County: One Year Later on Friday, April 21, 2023 at Noon via Zoom to hear Dr. Monica Taylor, who chairs the Delaware County Council, reports on the progress made in one year in the development of the Delaware County Health Department.
Dr. Taylor will also share the impact on the County of the collapse of Crozer Health, and how residents can access mental health services at this time.
The mission of the Delaware County Health Department is to strive to promote, protect and assure conditions for optimal health for all residents of Delaware County through leadership, prevention, response, and partnership with the community.
Presentation is a FREE event BUT registration is required. Register CLICK HERE
NOTE: Prior to the webinar the Zoom connection link will be emailed to those that register so email is required. Personal data collected will not be shared with third party vendors but is needed to share webinar materials.
Sharing Links Related to the Hot Topic:
League Public Health Department in Delaware County Issues Page - CLICK HERE
Delaware County Health Department Homepage - CLICK HERE
Event Contact: Nancy Hopko nancy.sharts-hopko [at] .