Hot Topic: The Election, The Aftermath, What Comes Next?

Hot Topic: The Election, The Aftermath, What Comes Next?

I Voted Sticker
Friday, November 13, 2020 - 12:00pm to Saturday, November 14, 2020 - 12:45pm

Join us for the Hot Topic: The Election: The Aftermath, What Comes Next? on Friday, November 13, 2020, Noon, Zoom Virtual Meeting to hear the League of Women Voters perspective from League members: Jack Nagel, University of Pennsylvania Professor Emeritus of Political Science, LWV Central Delaware County and Jamie Mogil, Election Rights Lawyer, LWV Lower Merion and Narbeth. The discussion will include information on the mail-in ballot and in-person voting process and statistics in our region, the role of the Electoral College and how members are selected and their voting options, voting reforms, the impact of the courts, and the role of the legislative branch.

The Hot Topic discussion is FREE but to receive the link to the Zoom Virtual Discussion via email you MUST register. 


For additional Voter Information visit our Issues Page: Election Law and Election Security and our Voter Toolkit

Contact: Olivia Thorne, President of LWV Delaware County ILO and LWV-CDC Board Member email olivia.thorne [at]