You are cordially invited to Sip & Chat with The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County (LWV CDC) on Wednesday, September 14, 3-5 PM at the Village Vine Wine Bar & Bistro, 6 Park Ave, Swarthmore PA.
Please join us for relaxed conversation, cheese and wine (Cash bar for wine). The owners of the Village Vine Wine Bar & Bistro will tell us of their journey as women in business as well as their community endeavors.
Then Let’s Talk-- our exciting year ahead will focus on getting out the vote for the 2022 elections.
Event Cost: $20.00 per person plus CASH BAR
Payment Options:
- Check (Payable to LWV Central Delaware County & Mailed to PO Box 131, Wallingford, PA 19086 or brought on the day of the event)
- Cash at the event venue registration table
- Online via the LWV CDC DONATE BUTTON - CLICK HERE ($20.00)
Reserve your participation by online registration CLICK HERE.
Registration Deadline – No registrations accepted after September 7
NOTE: a reservation must be made in advance using the registration form or contacting the event contact even if payment is at the door by check or cash so the venue has an accurate count of attendees.
Additional Opportunity: Enjoy Dinner after Sip & Chat: To extend the conversation consider staying for dinner and as a member of LWV, get a complimentary glass of sparkling with your meal. Please call or email Village Vine Wine Bar & Bistro directly to reserve your table: (484) 471-3997 or reservations [at] villagevineswarthmore.com.
Event Contacts: RoseMarie Lord: RMLord1006 [at] gmail.com or Gloria Rabinowitz: gloriarabinowitz [at] gmail.com
COVID NOTE: Because of COVID we plan on following the health safety regulations of the venue. If an in-person event is not recommended at the time of the event you will be contacted using your reservation information.