Voting Rights Victory as the For the People Act Passes in the House
This month we celebrated a victory in our ongoing fight to protect elections and build a more
inclusive democracy when the For the People Act passed in the US House of Representatives
This bill, which looks to restore the Voting Rights Act, end gerrymandering, remove dark money from
elections, and promote government transparency, is more necessary than ever in the face of the
hundreds of restrictive voting bills that have passed in recent weeks across the nation.
League CEO Virginia Kase submitted a statement for the Rules Committee hearing in support of
the For the People Act on March 24, stating, “The For the People Act is the democracy reform bill
the American people want and deserve...the provisions in this legislation will lead to greater trust in
government and elected leaders by creating fairness, transparency, and accountability.”
Contact your Senators and urge them to support the For the People Act!
Take Action: Contact your US Senators and urge them to support the For the People Act!
Senator Patty Murray Senator Maria Cantwell
866-481-9186 206-220-6400
See Contact Information for 35th LD representatives