Looking Toward the November Ballot: Referendum 90: Washington State Position

Looking Toward the November Ballot: Referendum 90: Washington State Position

While this November’s ballot will not contain any initiatives, it will include one referendum, Ref. 90. This referendum will ask voters to approve or reject ESSB 5395 (Comprehensive Sexual Health Education), which passed the legislature and was signed by Governor Jay Inslee in March 2020. The LWVWA recommends a vote to approve ESSB 5395 on the ballot.
Position In Brief: 

By Catherine Ahl, Education Issue Chair, LWV of Washington

The bill ensures that all students statewide receive age-appropriate information that is medically and scientifically accurate; parents have the right to opt their student out of the class. Only 18 or 19 of our 295 school districts don't provide comprehensive sexual health education. Where our students live shouldn't determine the information they receive.
The opponents of ESSB 5395 are spreading much misinformation about this bill, such as “graphic sex education and teaching sex positions in elementary school” and “sexual health will be taught in all classes (math, social studies, computer, etc.),” and that the bill "denies parents and school boards the power to decide what shall be taught.” None of these statements is true, something we can see from reading the bill.
ESSB 5395 requires that comprehensive sexual health education be provided twice in grades 6-8 and 9-12, starting with the 2021-22 school year, and once in K-3 and 4-5, starting with the 2022-23 school year. The bill states that K-3 instruction must be in social-emotional learning. This could include stranger danger, good touch/bad touch, and using your words instead of your hands.
The LWVWA will be joining the Safe and Healthy Youth Washington campaign, so please go to its website and volunteer or donate. Draft letters to the editor, which can be used to promote this issue, will be sent to local Leagues in mid-September. If you have questions or concerns, contact Catherine Ahl at cahl [at] lwvwa.org or 360-697-7924.


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