LWVUS Action Alert: SCOTUS Case Challenging Order to Exclude Undocumented individuals from Census

LWVUS Action Alert: SCOTUS Case Challenging Order to Exclude Undocumented individuals from Census

US Census 2020 image
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Nov 20 2020 to Dec 31 2020

The League of Women Voters of the United States and the Leagues of Women Voters of California, Florida, and Texas filed an amicus brief in New York v. Trump, a case which challenges President Trump’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census. The Leagues join in support of the plaintiffs. 

“US Census data is meant to include all people living in our country, regardless of citizenship status,” said Dr. Deborah Turner, board president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “The Constitutional clearly lays out the requirement to count every person. Census data is the foundation for determining the needs of the total US population. Undermining this constitutional mandate weakens every community in America. Undocumented individuals are a vital part of the fabric of this nation.” 

See LWV of the US and LWV of California, Florida and Texas File Amicus in SCOTUS Case Challenging Trump Census Order on the LWV of Califoria site for more details.

This action alert is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee