- Critical social service funding allocations will be considered by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting in early December.
- Your input is needed to support the priorities which were presented to the Board by the Measure X Community Advisory Board.
The LWVDV Board recently approved a statement supporting the Community Advisory Board process and recommendations:
LWV Diablo Valley urges the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to adopt the full set of funding recommendations from the Measure X Community Advisory Board. League positions on Meeting Basic Human Needs, Housing, Health Care, and Equity, support the funding recommendations.
- Call or email your County Supervisor now! (Contact information below)
- Ask them to follow the recommendations of the Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB).
- Do not say you are calling on behalf of LWVDV, but you can mention that the LWVDV supports the MXCAB priorities and process.
(Use one or two of the points below when you contact your Supervisor.)
Basic statement: The Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) followed a rigorous process to learn from many different members and organizations of Contra Costa County before making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for expenditures of Measure X funds for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year. Their recommendations should be honored by the Board.
- Measure X funds are a very small part of the County Budget, and there are many unmet needs.
- Equity, justice, and inclusion are embedded in the recommendations of the MXCAB.
- Providing a strong social safety net for the County’s most vulnerable residents is important to all everyone living in the County.
- The recommendations prioritize prevention and crisis response services for mental and behavioral health of county residents.
- MXCAB based their recommendations on what they heard from struggling residents and organizations that support those residents.
- MXCAB recommendations prioritize funding for communities that struggle with adequate housing, childcare, and nutrition.
- MXCAB recommendations prioritize urgent needs of communities most affected by the pandemic.
- MXCAB recommendations address issues of structural racism that cause inequities and poverty.
- MXCAB recommendations prioritize funding for community-based programs and services.
- MXCAB recommendations prioritize creative housing.
- MXCAB recommendations prioritize services for undocumented residents of our community, who suffered greatly during the pandemic yet received no federal assistance.
Board of Supervisors Contact Information
- supervisorandersen [at] bos.cccounty.us (subject: Measure%20X%20recommendations, body: I%20urge%20the%20Board%20to%20follow%20the%20recommendations%20of%20the%20Measure%20X%20Community%20Advisory%20Board.%20The%20Board%20used%20a%20thorough%20process%20and%20heard%20from%20a%20diverse%20group%20of%20community%20members%20and%20organizations.%20Please%20respect%20its%20work!)
- 925-957-8860 (Danville), 925-646-6067 (Lafayette)
- supervisor_burgis [at] bos.cccounty.us (subject: Measure%20X%20recommendations, body: I%20urge%20the%20Board%20to%20follow%20the%20recommendations%20of%20the%20Measure%20X%20Community%20Advisory%20Board.%20The%20Board%20used%20a%20thorough%20process%20and%20heard%20from%20a%20diverse%20group%20of%20community%20members%20and%20organizations.%20Please%20respect%20its%20work!)
- 925-252-4500
- supervisormitchoff [at] bos.cccounty.us (subject: Measure%20X%20recommendations, body: I%20urge%20the%20Board%20to%20follow%20the%20recommendations%20of%20the%20Measure%20X%20Community%20Advisory%20Board.%20The%20Board%20used%20a%20thorough%20process%20and%20heard%20from%20a%20diverse%20group%20of%20community%20members%20and%20organizations.%20Please%20respect%20its%20work!)
- 925-521-7100
- district5 [at] bos.cccounty.us (subject: Measure%20X%20recommendations, body: I%20urge%20the%20Board%20to%20follow%20the%20recommendations%20of%20the%20Measure%20X%20Community%20Advisory%20Board.%20The%20Board%20used%20a%20thorough%20process%20and%20heard%20from%20a%20diverse%20group%20of%20community%20members%20and%20organizations.%20Please%20respect%20its%20work!)
- Phone: 925-608-4200
If you have questions about Action Alerts, please contact the Action and Advocacy team at action-advocacy [at] lwvdv.org.