Action Committee Notes - August 28, 2021

Action Committee Notes - August 28, 2021


by Mary Schreiber and Marian Shostrom, co-chairs

The Action-Advocacy Committee met Saturday, August 28, 2021 on Zoom.  Fourteen of us shared information about ourselves and the work we are doing to support LWV positions at all levels.

The group will continue to meet on Zoom, on the last Saturday of the month. Next meetings are September 25th and October 30th, from 10 am - noon. If you would like to be added to the email list, send an email to: action-advocacy [at]

Members of the Action committee reported on Civil Discourse, Climate, Criminal/Racial Justice, Housing, Health Care and Mental Health Care. We discussed Redistricting, and the continuing work of the Measure X Community Advisory Board. Because of an Action Alert from LWVC, the Committee reached consensus that Bill Speir will call Senator Glazer to express LWVDV’s support for SB 9.

The Observer Corps, which observes local government entities, is chaired by Izzy Martinez. A new team of Observers, Colleen Coll, Dave Requa, and Bill Speir, will keep us informed about the Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Project. Here is their first Observer Report. The Discovery/Seeno group has been chosen as the developer.

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LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee