All Diablo Valley Subscribed Action Alerts

Schools and Communities First Petittion, Gavin Newsom, reform Prop 13, California, 2020 Election

Action Alerts

Teachers and students need your voice right now

Vote with the League ballot recommendations

Action Alerts

Sacramento, CA - This election, voters face long ballots and are being asked to weigh in on a wide variety of critical issues.  Whether you vote early, by mail, or on Election Day, we’ve made the decisions easier.

Action Alerts

Tell your Assembly Member to vote YES on SB 100 - the California Renewable Portfolio Standard Program. The climate crisis is endangering all aspects of our daily lives. We must act now to move away from fossil fuels and preserve a healthy and sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations. Fossil fuels account for 75 to 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions--but you can help change that.


Action Alerts

Clean energy got a big boost with the passage of SB 100! California will continue to lead the country in climate change action -- and 100% of your electricity will be from zero carbon sources by 2045.


Action Alerts

The swift action of League supporters like you helped put the California Disclose Act on the governor’s desk. Now, the flood of dark money coming into campaigns will be subject to greater transparency with the passage of the Disclose Act, AB 249.

Tell Gov Brown to sign ab 249 the disclose act

Action Alerts

The swift action of League supporters like you helped put the California Disclose Act on the governor’s desk. Now we need your help one more time to expose the big money funding campaign ads. Tell Governor Brown to sign AB 249 today, because transparency matters:

Yes on AB 249, the California Disclose Act

Action Alerts

The influence of big money in our elections is eroding our democracy. When facing a barrage of manipulative and often dishonest campaign ads, shouldn’t you be able to see who is paying for them? We need your help to make sure big money interests can’t hide their influence in our elections. Tell your legislators that transparency matters and urge them to vote YES on the California Disclose Act, AB 249.

Stand with California's community college students! Tell your Senator YES on AB 705

Action Alerts

Community colleges are a crucial gateway to higher paying jobs, but too many California students face an unnecessary roadblock to academic and career success. Currently, standardized tests assess 75 percent of community college students as “unprepared”—making them less likely to finish their education. But new research shows that these students are more prepared than the tests indicate. By being forced to take unnecessary remedial non-credit courses, community college students waste time and money.

Tell your Assembly Member: Yes on SB 10

Action Alerts

Action Alerts

The housing crisis is crushing California communities, driving families into homelessness and forcing them to choose between housing, food, and medical care. Today over 1.7 million families are paying over half of their incomes for housing. Nobody should go broke or hungry just to keep a roof over their head. Your Assembly Member is preparing to vote on an important housing package that will begin tackling this crisis. Please take a minute to urge your lawmakers to support affordable housing and vote YES on SB 2 and SB 3.
