Action-Advocacy Updates - January 2023

Action-Advocacy Updates - January 2023

Suffrage, 19thamendment, votingrights, lwv, coin

Advocating for Free and Fair Elections 

The LWVDV Board approved and sent a Letter to the Editor of the East Bay Times that was published on December 22, 2022.

Dear Editor:
It is troubling to learn that in the 2022 San Ramon Valley Unified School District election, according to your December 16th article, “Campaign Tricks Cited ... in Election”, a disinformation effort may have influenced the outcome of that contest. The article reported fabricated information used to attack one candidate.

In the current environment of anonymous “publishers,” the League of Women Voters Diablo Valley encourages voters to consistently verify sources. Disinformation deprives us of free and fair elections, prevents voters from having accurate information with which to make decisions, and creates distrust in representative government. It is important that voters stay vigilant and alert to honesty and truth in election information. Information about spotting and stopping mis- and disinformation can be found on our website

Anne Granlund
President, League of Women Voters Diablo Valley

LWVDV will continue to advocate for free and fair elections and against dis- and misinformation.
Legislative Interviews
Each year, LWVDV members participate in interviews with our local state representatives (or a legislative staff member) at the request of LWVC. The interviews help LWVC plan its advocacy efforts. Topics that LWVC wants to learn about this year include the voter participation gap in youth and BIPOC communities, equitable funding in education, and water issues, as well as the top priorities of the legislator.

The interviews (usually 30-60 minutes) must be completed by late February. This is an excellent opportunity for LWVDV members to learn about issues and local legislators. Attending a Zoom legislative interview is a great experience. State Legislators for LWVDV are: AD 15: Tim Grayson; AD 16: Rebecca Bauer-Kahan; AD 11: Lori Wilson; SD 3: Bill Dodd; SD 7: Steve Glazer.

If you want to know more about LWVC 
Legislative Interviews, please email action-advocation [at] (), and sign up to attend one of these Town Halls:
  • January 05, 2023, Thursday at 6 PM - Register here.
  • January 07, 2023, Saturday at 10 AM - Register here.

The next Action-Advocacy Meeting is January 28, 2022, from 10 am - Noon. If you want a Zoom link to the meeting, email action-advocation [at]

Mary Schreiber and Marian Shostrom, Co-Chairs

This article is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley