The League of Women Voters of the Bay Area is looking for a League member to fill a vacancy on the BART Bond Oversight Committee (Measure RR). The committee consists of five professionals in the areas of engineering, auditing, public finance, construction project management and includes two members from the League of Women Voters. One of the League members is resigning by the end of the year for personal reasons.
The committee meets twice a year and may hold sub-committee meetings. Committee members are responsible for the following: assess how bond proceeds are spent; assess that work is completed in a timely; cost-effective and quality manner; communicate its findings and recommendations to the public; and publish an annual report. Committee members are asked to sign a conflict-of-interest statement and to disclose any potential conflicts that may arise in the course of their service.
The $3.5 billion bond, approved in November 2016, includes projects that will replace and strengthen BART’s infrastructure by replacing 90 miles of severely worn tracks, repair tunnels damaged by water intrusion and upgrade the aging train control system. If you want to know more details, how to apply, etc., please contact Alex Starr, Chair of LWVBA Transportation Committee, at starrpeake [at] me.com (subject: Bart%20Oversight%20Committee) .