A Busy August for Voter Services

A Busy August for Voter Services

Mayor Suisun City

August 1st was National Night Out.  Many neighborhoods across the nation celebrated the importance of community.  LWVDV members, including Shawn Gilbert and Debbie Hicks, did also. It was a fun night to meet new people and to register voters.

On August 15th, LWV Solano County held a wonderful event at Solano Community College. Our sister League invited surrounding Leagues to attend. I was the one LWVDV member fortunate enough to make it. The guest speaker was Secretary of State Shirley Webber, who talked about the importance of voting and encouraging young people to engage in our democracy. Following her exchange with the audience, a panel of young people, in the model of a candidate forum, took turns answering the student moderator’s questions about what they have learned as student observers. The students are part of the Solano County Youth Coalition, and they reflected a lot of wisdom in their responses about being engaged.

Later in the month, LWVDV members Susan Johnson and Shawn Gilbert partnered with the County Office of Elections team for two fun days of talking with students at the LMC Pittsburg Campus and the Brentwood Campus.  These were two super days of meeting many awesome young people. 

LMC Voter Registration event

Tuesday, September 19th, is National Voter Registration Day!
If you are interested in joining VS for a day of registering, please contact voter.services [at] lwvdv.org

Images: Thumbnail on Voter Services page, Antioch Mayor Pro-Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker and Shawn Gilbert, National Night Out; top of this page, Suisun City Mayor Alma Hernandez with Shawn Gilbert at LWV Solano County event; bottom, Susan Johnson and Shawn Gilbert at Los Medanos, credit for all, Shawn Gilbert.

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LWV Diablo Valley Voter Services Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley