Celebrate the Signing of our U.S. Constitution!

Celebrate the Signing of our U.S. Constitution!

Constitution Day - We The People Logo

The cacophony of the current times can often muddle our minds and keep us from clearly understanding the rights our founders, through contentious grappling at times, set forth in our U.S. Constitution.  Ah, the messiness of democracy. Foremost among the ten amendments listed as the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution is the First Amendment, which describes five protected rights of the people: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition. 

As we approach National Constitution Day on September 18th, I invite you to check out the National Constitution Center’s (NCC) Constitution Day Celebration (it's free!)  In celebration of the 236th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, NCC is opening its newest exhibit gallery, devoted completely to the First Amendment, on September 6th.  On the NCC site you can look at some key primary source documents reflecting First Amendment rights throughout the nation’s history. 

Additionally, throughout the day on September 18th, the NCC will be presenting a variety of live Constitution Day programs that “We the People” can register to attend virtually. The day will open at 9:30 am (Eastern) with a reading of the Preamble and will follow with a live Naturalization Ceremony, a panel of U.S. Court judges talking about the federal court system, a reenactment of historic figures including a suffragist and more, ending at 5:00 pm. Just remember there is a three-hour time difference between Philadelphia and California!

Shawn Gilbert, LWVDV Voter Services Co-Chair

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