![Homelessness means living on the move shopping cart with personal possessions next to park bench](https://my.lwv.org/sites/default/files/leagues/diablo-valley/homelessbench.jpg)
The League of Women Voters North County San Diego and the League of Women Voters San Diego jointly request the following action by your league: That during your program planning session, your members prioritize the Concurrence with our Position on Homelessness in preparation for the 2019 LWVC Convention in Pasadena.
For more on the LWVC concurrence procedure, see http://archive.lwvc.org/lwvonly/docs/program-planning-2017-19-policy-P-12-on-concurrence.pdf.
We believe homelessness is a crisis level issue in our state.
• Housing and Urban Development (HUD) lists California's total homeless population at 134,278. That's about one quarter of the national homeless population of 553,742. (New York was a distant second with 89,503 followed by Florida with 32,190.)
• The national Point In Time Count shows California’s homeless population jumped nearly 14 percent from 2016 to 2017 — to a total of more than 134,000 people. It rose nearly 9 percent over the previous seven years. That’s much different than the national picture. The national homeless population ticked up about 1 percent in 2017.
• The LWVC has NO Position on Homelessness. There is a Position on Housing - the REAL SOLUTION to most homeless problems. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that California is not likely to build enough housing to address the needs of its homeless residents.
• LWVUS adopted a Position on “Meeting Basic Human Needs” thirty (30) years ago. The Position states “one of the goals of social policy in the United States should be to promote self-sufficiency for individuals and families and that the most effective social programs are those designed to prevent or reduce poverty.” Nowhere is the word “homelessness” or “homeless” included in the 2,771 words used to communicate the LWVUS Position.
• According to multiple studies examining the causes of homelessness among mothers with children experiencing homelessness, more than 80% had previously experienced domestic violence.
• Thirty-eight percent of all domestic violence victims become homeless at some point in their lives.
There are an increasing number of persons who are homeless in California. The problem must be humanely addressed for the benefit of these individuals and families, for our communities, and for our society. The League of Women Voters California supports programs and policies to assist those who are homeless or about to become homeless in meeting their basic human needs.
Permanent supportive housing should be the goal for those who are homeless in California.
Strategies that should be developed to achieve that goal include:
• “Housing First” policy that provides, without prerequisites, temporary, transitional or other initial housing for persons who are homeless.
• Provision of supportive services, including effective case management, advocacy, and treatment for mental health and substance abuse as needed to help those who are homeless succeed in obtaining and maintaining housing.
• A state-wide system with clearly identified goals and measurable results to optimize cooperation, data sharing, and resource development among governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations with the overarching goal to end existing homelessness and prevent future homelessness.
• Rescission by local jurisdictions and the State of policies, practices, regulations and laws that criminalize, penalize, or permit the harassment of homeless persons for engaging in necessary life activities in public spaces (i.e., sleeping, standing, camping, etc.).
• Provision of facilities to meet the needs of those who are homeless for personal hygiene, storage, and trash removal, as well as safe spaces for tents, cars or recreational vehicles used for sleeping.
Housing First: An approach to quickly connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. Supportive services are offered to maximize housing stability and prevent returns to homelessness as opposed to addressing predetermined treatment goals prior to permanent housing entry.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH): Permanent Supportive Housing is long-term rental assistance and supportive services. It is targeted to individuals and families with chronic illnesses, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance use disorders who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. Homeless clients are encouraged to have a one-year lease so they feel safe and secure. In PSH units, clients can stay for as little or as long as they need as a“permanent” option with no end date like other programs might have.
In the spring of 2016 a League committee, composed of members of both LWVNCSD and LWVSD, was formed to study the problem of homelessness in San Diego County. What followed was months of study, research, and meetings across the region with various experts in the field of homelessness, service providers, and affordable housing experts. We catalogued over 275 resources in our research process. The committee published articles about these issues in monthly VOTER newsletters and presented informational meetings designed to increase member understanding of the complexity of this problem.
In February 2018, both Leagues held Consensus meetings as required by LWV procedures. The committee then presented 13 statements for inclusion within a formal Position. The Committee deliberated over the choice of words that best represented the reviewed research and the results of Consensus meetings by both local Leagues. The draft of the Position was published and following adoption by both Boards and the membership of each League voted to adopt the Position on Homelessness in June, 2018. The Position is now being advanced for consideration during Program Planning by local California Leagues.
The San Diego County Regional Committee on the Study of Homelessness attempted to contact all Leagues throughout the nation via their website, emails and telephone calls. We found only one state with a position on Homelessness entitled, Homeless Youth in Oklahoma. Several of the states we were able to contact personally asked that we send them a copy of the position when it is adopted by LWVC.
The same group attempted to reach each local League in California via their websites, telephone calls and emails. The following local Leagues provided us with a copy of their positions on Homelessness:
• Long Beach Area
• Los Ángeles
• Sacramento County
We were encouraged to find our Positions are very similar. We further believe this is support for the submission of our position on Homelessness for Concurrence by LWVC.
Once the LWVC adopts a Homelessness Position by concurrence, your local League will be able to use this Position to educate and advocate on behalf of our neighbors who have no home to call their own.