by Marian Shostrom and Pat Snyder, LWVDV Health Care Issue Co-Chairs
During the recent campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, issues related to health care reform were frequently discussed and debated by the candidates. There is much evidence that health care is a high priority for many Americans in this election season. The Covid19 pandemic has made health care an even more urgent issue for many people, especially those who do not have health insurance or who had employer-provided insurance and are now unemployed.
When it once again becomes possible to gather for discussion of policy issues, we would like to organize a discussion for LWVDV members who are interested in exploring health care policy. We can all share our views and information about the policy proposals under discussion and consider how we would like to see this critical issue addressed by our elected officials. Look for more information about this event in the future.
In the meantime, here are links to recently published articles of interest.
- An article by Marcia Angell, a member of Harvard Medical School’s Department of Global Health and Social Medicine and a former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine: Why the U.S. Failed the Coronavirus Test.
- An article in The Lancet, from the scientific medical community, analyzing the elements of health care costs.