Get Interested, Get Going, Get Involved!

Get Interested, Get Going, Get Involved!

Graphic of hands raised with the words "Get Involved:  Make a Difference" below
Blog Post

by Gail Murray, Chair, 2020-21 Nominating Committee

There are lots of opportunities for you to get more involved in our League this coming year! Look below for a job that interests you, find out more about what it would involve from the contact person, and get started in making a difference.

See the Volunteer page for more opportunities to get involved!

Social Media Manager: Help increase our League’s presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Contact Leslie Stewart at lwvleslie [at]

Voter’s Edge County Coordinator: Provide citizens with nonpartisan information about federal, state and local candidates and ballot measures.  Contact Marian Shostrom at msmarian49 [at]

Voter Services Co-Director: Work with Co-Director Martha Goralka as a liaison to the County Elections Office, voter registration, and candidates’ forums.  Contact Martha at martha [at]

Voter Services Speaker Bureau Coordinator:  Respond to requests from the community for a speaker to describe what the League of Women Voters does and what it stands for.  Contact Janet Hoy at janethoy [at]

Meeting Preparation Assistance: Assemble materials needed for a Board decision by contacting the committees in charge and forwarding to the Secretary. Contact Karen Dolder at karend [at]


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LWV Diablo Valley Board of Directors
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley