Good news from the Observer Corps!

Good news from the Observer Corps!

generic city council chamber
Blog Post

Carol Murota, Observer Corps Chair


Outgoing League co-president, Martha Goralka, and Jen Faught, and Gayle Saxton are among the newest Observer Corps members. A few more League members are checking their schedules and commitments, and I am hoping they will help us keep an eye on 8 more city councils as well as the County Board of Supervisors and the Contra Costa Community College District. This is a great way to connect our communities and our League work.

I admit, when I was initially approached about this watchdog role, I feared I was promising to attend every meeting and file monthly reports. Let me assure you, having observed the Lafayette City Council for 3 years, I have not changed my hiking nor skiing schedules. All city council meetings are video taped, available on line and while sometimes not as thrilling as being in the room, it is just as informative.

The League is run by busy volunteers! I was relieved that I was not expected to watch every meeting, live or streamed, nor expected to report on every action. I do often discover a topic or discussion that relates to a League interest – like affordable housing/rent control, or a City program that might be replicated in other cities. The Action Committee appreciates information on what is happening in our communities. The Communications Team also welcomes any notice or brief report for publication in our Voter. Information is power, and  League readers appreciate knowing what is going on.

Perhaps my favorite aspect of being an Observer is the willingness of council members to give me in-depth briefings. I feel like I learn nuances and perspectives that I might have missed.

I love the deep dive and the opportunity to pass along that background and education to my League friends. The League is run by busy members, every bit adds to the picture. Join us! Please contact me at LDVCarol [at], let’s talk!

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LWV Diablo Valley Observer CorpsLWV Diablo Valley Action Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley