by Marian Shostrom and Pat Snyder, LWVDV Health Care Issue Co-Chairs
LWV Diablo Valley will co-sponsor a Health Care Caucus at the LWVC Convention. Caucuses are free for anyone to attend. The schedule of caucuses will be available on May 7, and registration links will be provided for each caucus.
AB 1400, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare), has been withdrawn for consideration this year according to the bill author, Ash Kalra. Because this is the first year of a two-year legislative session, the bill can be brought back later in the 2021-2022 session. Click here to read Assembly member Kalra’s statement.
The next public meeting of The Healthy California for All Commission has been set for May 21, 2021, from 1-5 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be held via Zoom. The agenda will be posted 10 days before the meeting. Take advantage of this opportunity for you to learn more about health care issues facing California.