Newsby Marian Shostrom and Pat Snyder, LWVDV Health Care Issue Co-Chairs
Healthcare Privatization:
- Guest Speaker Ana Malinow, MD, presented The Growing Threat of Medicare Privatization to the LWVC Healthcare Interest Group on July 26, 2022. Several LWVDV members participated in the Q&A.
- The LWVBAE (Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville) Health Care Committee will host Are you concerned that Medicare is being privatized? on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, from 7-8 pm. If you want to learn more about this important topic, register here.
2022 LWVUS Convention News:
Actions by delegates at the2022 LWVUS Conventionmade important changes toward achieving healthcare equity and reaching the League goal of universal health care. Language of the new positions will be included in the 2022-2024 Impact on Issues, which will be published by the end of 2022. Significantly, LWVUS members overwhelmingly adopted by concurrence two important positions:
- LWV of New York State Health Care Position Update: This is an important update to the League’s more than 25-year-old position recognizing changes in health care.
- LWV of Connecticut Position on Digital Equity: This is critical for rural and underserved urban populations that do not currently have adequate digital infrastructure to receive health care in a variety of ways.
LWVUS Convention delegates also passed this resolution: Be it resolved that the LWVUS supports the rights of women and those who can become pregnant to self-determination related to, and including, but not limited to bodily autonomy, privacy, reproductive health, and lifestyle choice.
CA Healthcare Bills:
LWVC is supporting several bills in the CA Legislature that deal with Healthcare/Behavioral Health. If you want to learn more, click on the links below.
- SB 1375 (Atkins) Nursing: nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives: abortion and practice standards
- AB 2223 (Wicks) Reproductive Health (protection from criminal prosecution for infant death due to pregnancy-related causes)
- AB 2586 (Garcia, C) Reproductive & Sexual Health Inequities
- SB 56 (Durazo) Medi-Cal Eligibility (extends to 60+ regardless of immigration status)
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