Leaders' Letter - August 2024

Leaders' Letter - August 2024

Blog Post

League Leaders and Members:

I hope everyone is having a nice summer.

Your LWVDV Board and Leadership met for our annual retreat on July 25. Everyone is busy and working toward the League’s mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy. 

Our new Board members have stepped up. Carolyn Bowden is co-chair of the Civil Discourse Team with Melanie Speir.  Ana Pan is Voter Services co-chair with Shawn Gilbert; she is assisting Martha Goralka with forums. Anna Honda is working with the Mis/Disinformation Team. Welcome, and thanks to all!

Several of us attended the LWVUS Biannual Convention remotely in June. I was impressed by the quality and diversity of leadership and staff at the national level. They are currently working on the One Person One Vote campaign, electing the president by the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.

There is more on the LWVUS website about the convention here. The plenary sessions were lively and kept the parliamentarian busy. This was my first LWVUS convention and I learned a lot about how things work at the national level and have a better understanding of how “The League Speaks with One Voice”.

Yours in League,
Mary Schreiber

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LWV Diablo Valley Board of Directors
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Diablo Valley