A League Member's Letter on "Dark Money"

A League Member's Letter on "Dark Money"

Blog Post

A letter to the San Francisco Chronicle

Note: This letter was sent in response to the article in the Sunday Insight section that discussed recent IRS action that will eliminate reporting requirements for "dark money" donated to certain nonprofits, as well as a new film, "Dark Money", premiering in the Bay Area. Although the writer is a member of the LWVDV board, she did not write this as an official letter from LWVDV. 

Thank you for your editorial “Spotlight on ‘dark money’ in Politics”.  It is important that we are all aware of the possible influences we are subjected to.  As a member of the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley I would like to emphasize your final paragraph.  It is imperative to vote and to be an informed voter.  The League of Women Voters provides non-partisan analysis of all state propositions both in live “Pros and Cons” presentations and in the online format of Voters Edge California.  The League also partners with other organizations to provide opportunities for local candidates to present themselves at public forums.  
Voters Edge California (www.votersedge.org) allows every candidate the opportunity to provide information about his/her candidacy at no cost.  The League of Women Voters of California partners with MapLight to include information on Voter’s Edge about who is funding candidates and propositions. For those who want to look further into election financing in California, the Secretary of State web site (http://www.sos.ca.gov/campaign-lobbying/) has much information provided by Maplight.org.  
Vote November 2018, and vote informed!
Sue Brandy
Issues referenced by this article: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley