LWVUS 2022 Convention - Notes from LWVDV Attendees

LWVUS 2022 Convention - Notes from LWVDV Attendees

LWVUS 2022 National Convention

The biennial 2022 National Convention of the League of Women Voters was held in June. It was very successful, with both in-person and virtual attendees.

The National Convention is a biennial event that serves as LWVUS's bylaws-prescribed business meeting as well as an opportunity for League members to gather for training and networking. Convention delegates are the members of the LWVUS board and representatives from state and local Leagues and Inter-League Organizations (ILOs). Convention observers are also welcome, and they can participate in all non-plenary activities and observe plenary without presenting, debating, or voting on any motions.

Our LWVDV members attended virtually this year, participating in the many interesting and useful workshops and caucuses that were offered. They also took excellent notes, which you can access here. Check it out!

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