Community Advisory Board Meeting - 12/18/24
Total Attendees: 15
- Agenda was posted 72 hours in advance? On-Line: Yes
- Agenda clearly stated items to be discussed? Yes
- Provided background information to the public via links in the agenda or otherwise? Yes, included attachments
- Maintained civil conduct: attentive, courteous and open to varied opinions? Yes
- Provided adequate time for public input? 2 Minutes
- Appeared members were prepared? Yes, for the most part
- Appeared that an action item, not put on agenda for closed session, was discussed in closed session vs. in public session? No
- Took any unusual action? No
- Unacceptable behavior? No
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Ed.
- Civil Discourse
- Social Safety Net
- Each member offered their feedback regarding the draft MCAB Memo to the BOS (24-4497 - MXCAB Memo re November 12 Joint Meeting)
- Everyone who spoke thought the memo was straight forward, well-written and had good tone.
- Others thought the memo was too long and Supervisors most likely would not read the entire document.
- Discussed MX members meeting with BOS chair and chair elect.
- First vote with amendment did not pass.
- Second vote after robust discussion and an added rewrite of amendment, passed with only one dissent.
- Discussion moved to Racial Equity Results-Based Accountability (RE RBA) Explanation (24-4498 - Equity Results Overview)
- Some contention at the end when the county staff person informed the members that they would not be able to meet in January or February. More will follow on this because Board members were not accepting of this information.
Community Advisory Board Meeting - 7/17/24
Date Observed: July 17, 2024
Agenda Link: Standing and Advisory (
Scheduled Start Time: 5:00 p.m. Did the meeting start on time? No
(Technical issues, started @ 5:11 p.m.)
Number of Members: 27 All Present? No # Absent? 9?
Total Attendees: 50
- Meets Brown Act Requirements:
- Agenda was posted 72 hours in advance? On-Line: Yes
- Agenda clearly stated items to be discussed? Yes
- Provided background information to the public via links in the agenda or otherwise? Yes
- Provided adequate time for public input? 2 Minutes
- Appeared members were prepared? Yes
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Ed., Redistricting
- Civil Discourse
- Social Safety Net
- Approved Record of Actions
- Rachel Rosekind discussed the process for department performance and impact reports and will be making recommendations to the BOS
- Discussion about the exclusion of black men in the decision for the feasibility study re: the Afr. Am. Holistic Wellness Hub
- Presentation on Mapping Prejudice project by the Clerk-Recorder staff
- Addressing the issue of racial covenants on property documents to change the documents per the new law
- Election Outreach Specialists will be hired who are bi-lingual.
- Working with the Univ Minnesota
- Lauren Hull from County Clerk of the Board gave an overview of County Government.
- Discussed recommendations and best practices to address community needs as pertains to RFPs for Meas X funding. It’s very difficult for organizations to navigate the bureaucratic processes to apply for Meas. X grants.
- Peter Kim, director of the Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice supports the Meas X recommendations
- Update about the retreat on Aug 21st starting at 3:00 an extended time, will be a hybrid meeting
Did the agency promote rules publicly and enforce them? Yes
Additional Important Links: More links in the agenda
Adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Community Advisory Board Meeting - 5/15/24
Total Attendees: 45
- Agenda was posted 72 hours in advance? On-Line: Yes
- Agenda clearly stated items to be discussed? Yes
- Provided background information to the public via links in the agenda or otherwise? Yes
- Maintained civil conduct: attentive, courteous and open to varied opinions? Yes
- Provided adequate time for public input? 2 min.
- Appeared members were prepared? Yes
- Appeared that an action item, not put on agenda for closed session, was discussed in closed session vs. in public session? No
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Ed: Redistricting
- Civil Discourse
- Social Safety Net
- Showed and discussed the items that were recommended to the BOS and which were funded or not.
- An oversight body has been formed and is scheduled to hold its first meeting on June 5. This body will look at the expenditures: which group received funds and for what, were the allocations received being used according to Measure X expectations. It will provide the results-based accountability that MXCAB suggests.
- Emlyn Struthers gave a presentation on sample Dashboard. Examples: Alameda, L.A, Sacramento, San Mateo.
- Measure X CAB wants to have a Dashboard to help community be informed.
- Discussed the August 21st,4–5-hour retreat with a facilitator, its value, team building activities, equitable communication skills. Held vote to hold retreat. Passed.
- Considered changing the June meeting. Motion and seconded to cancel the meeting as set on June 19, Juneteenth Day which is a County Holiday. Voted and passed. No meeting in June.
- Receive brief updates on Measure X allocations and potential community-informed processes related to new Measure X-funded programs and services
- Ellen McDonald and Ali Saidi gave a presentation on status of the Stand Together Contra Costa, the gaps for legal help, language help to navigate the deportation procedure, and initiating a mobile legal van that can go where the people are. The allocation of MX money to STCC is not distributed in a timely manner.
- Co-Director of Racial Equity and Social Justice, Peter Kim, gave update on funds for the programs for which his office is focusing.
Did the agency promote rules publicly and enforce them? Yes
Community Advisory Board Meeting - 2/21/24
Total Attendees: 41
- Agenda was posted 72 hours in advance? On-Line: yes
- Agenda clearly stated items to be discussed? Yes
- Provided background information to the public via links in the agenda or otherwise? Yes
- Maintained civil conduct: attentive, courteous and open to varied opinions? Yes
- Provided adequate time for public input? 3 min. (has increased from 2 minutes)
- Appeared members were prepared? Yes
- Appeared that an action item, not put on agenda for closed session, was discussed in closed session vs. in public session? No
- Took any unusual action? No
- Unacceptable behavior? No
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Education
- Health Care; elder care/abuse
- Civil Discourse
- Social Safety Net; need other groups addressed: domestic abuse shelters etc.
- Some members of the MXCAB will be timed out in their position so shared some of their observations.
- 7 at-large seats and 5 district seats are open. The recruitment window is open to community members apply for MXCAB; 3-year terms.
- County Financials - revenues and expenditures were presented in slide deck
- Discussed the document with considerations to the BOS for one-time $28 million.
- Shared ideas and suggestions for how to move forward in prioritizing for the one-time money.
- Made a motion for the process in how the MXCAB will decided the next tranche of money.
Did the agency promote rules publicly and enforce them? Yes
Any recommendations for local League action on issues (Voter Services, Community Conversations, etc.) or on behaviors observed? No
Adjourned at 7:12
Community Advisory Board Meeting - 1/17/24
Total Attendees: 48 in person and on Zoom
- Agenda was posted 72 hours in advance? On-Line: Yes
- Agenda clearly stated items to be discussed? Yes
- Provided background information to the public via links in the agenda or otherwise? Yes
- Maintained civil conduct: attentive, courteous and open to varied opinions? Yes
- Provided adequate time for public input? 2 minutes
- Appeared members were prepared? Yes
- Appeared that an action item, not put on agenda for closed session, was discussed in closed session vs. in public session? No
- Making Democracy Work: Civic Education
- Social Safety Net: Much of what Measure X monies are to go to programs that are of safety net needs.
- Made comments on their thoughts regarding the joint meeting of MXCAB and BOS…a first ever. The Board listened. MXCAB members thought they did not get everything, but did get much of what they recommended. Did think the process was fair.
- Frustration over the unallocated monies, the delays, etc. Still want more transparency, process needs streamlining so as to get the money out to CBOs.
- How is the BOS getting accountability for expenditures such as that which was designated for infrastructure? Seems CBOs are expected to report, but not others, so there seems to be an imbalance in what is being expected.
- Summary of Allocations Approved at the December 12, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting: Considerable discussion about some of the one-time expenditures and the understanding of why the ORESJ was receiving 1 million dollars for developing a plan for the African American Wellness Hub
- $29 million is left of MX monies. Early April, BOS holds budget hearing. May is final decision for these funds.
- Next few meetings are to work on a process for recommendations for these revenues
Did the agency promote rules publicly and enforce them? Yes
Adjourned 8:01