Moms Demand Action https://momsdemandaction.org/about/ is the largest grassroots organization of Americans who strive to reduce gun violence and encourage responsible gun ownership. We want to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, felons, and those who are a danger to themselves and others. We are non-partisan, and our volunteers include gun owners, gun violence survivors, and people from all walks of life. (We aren’t just Moms; we like to say we are “mothers and others.”)
Moms Demand Action has established a chapter in every state of the country. Along with Students Demand Action, and Survivor Network, we make up Everytown For Gun Safety, which is the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country, with nearly 6 million supporters. Everytown Research https://everytownresearch.org has abundant fact-based statistics on gun violence, and on the patchwork of gun laws in our nation. Over 100 people die every day from gun violence, either from homicide, suicide, or unintentional shootings. This is close to 40,000 people a year, a sober statistic nobody should accept as normal.
An important function is to educate about existing firearm laws and the importance of responsible gun ownership. We have two educational programs. One is called Be SMART https://besmartforkids.org, which is focused on the education and awareness about child gun deaths and responsible gun storage. Locally, we try to get the Safe Storage message out via School Districts, or PTAs. The second is called Speak for Safety https://speakforsafety.org, which is designed to raise awareness of the California Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO or Red Flag Law) and how to obtain one. Moms groups reach out to local law enforcement agencies and District Attorneys to advocate that police get trained in seeking and enforcing GVROs.
In California, we are partnering with other gun violence prevention groups, like Brady and Giffords, to advocate for more funding for the Cal VIP (Violence Intervention & Prevention) https://everytown.org/CalVIP.
On the Federal level, our volunteers keep pressure on legislators to pass a Universal Background Check law, to keep guns out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, and minors, which has been hung up in the Senate. Also, Moms advocate for a national Red Flag Law, allowing the removal of guns from people at risk, e.g. domestic abusers, people threatening violence or suicide, or seniors with dementia.
Moms Demand Action is also involved in elections. They ask candidates to fill out a questionnaire, and then award a Gun Sense Candidate Distinction if they demonstrate they will govern with gun safety in mind (https://gunsensevoter.org). Candidates could add this to their resume on VotersEdge. Volunteers also will canvass for gun sense candidates and work from phone banks to influence elections in other states.
We hope to liaison with LWVDV on cross-over interests. We’d urge anyone who believes more can be done to reduce gun violence to join Moms Demand Action at https://momsdemandaction.org/act/ and help push our supporter numbers up to 7 million. There is no cost (unless you choose to donate), and you can be as active or as non-active as you like. We have an active group in Diablo Valley that meets in Alamo, as well as a new group in Lafayette. Joining will give you access to news of upcoming events, marches, town halls, and calls to actions.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Moms. Also, if you have a PTA group, a Church group, or other community group that would benefit from the 15 minute Be SMART presentation regarding children and safe storage, please contact me.
Lisa Dell’Anno
Diablo Valley Moms Demand Action - Be SMART Lead
LisaD4CA [at] gmail.com