News from LWV US Convention

News from LWV US Convention


Three delegates from LWV Diablo Valley -- Suzan Requa, Marian Shostrom and Ashley Coates -- attended the LWVUS Convention in Chicago at the end of June. While there, they participated in the June 30 march protesting separation of families at the border. They also took part on many workshops and trainings, and networked with representatives of Leagues around the country.

Here is one report from delegate Marian Shostrom:

I attended my first LWV United States Convention in Chicago in June. It was an exciting opportunity to learn about many issues and positions, and to meet League members from around the country. (49 States and D.C. were represented!).

I attended the Health Care Caucus program: The Critical Role of Healthcare in a Democracy. The program was co-sponsored by eleven Leagues. The excellent keynote speaker was Dr. Claudia Fegin, Director of Cook County Hospital and Treasurer of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP).

She discussed the lack of equity in health care—ZIP code matters—as well as the 30% of the U.S. population who are uninsured or underinsured, and how that impacts our democracy. For a video of the Caucus meeting, use this link:

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