by Marian Shostrom, Co-chair, Action-Advocacy Committee
At the January 2023 LWVDV Action-Advocacy meeting, members learned that the City of Pleasant Hill had received a letter from the Shenkman & Hughes law firm advising that the current at-large election of Pleasant Hill City Council members is in violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA), and the city should transition to by-district elections. Based on the League of Women Voters' strong positions to ensure representative democracy, committee members recommended that the Board take action to support by-district elections and fair maps for Pleasant Hill.
- Consulted with LWVC districting experts Helen Hutchison and Chris Carson, and the Asian Law Caucus.
- Organized, hosted, and publicized Zoom webinars to educate the Pleasant Hill Community about district elections.
- Reached out to Diablo Valley College students, faculty, and staff.
- Drafted several letters to the Pleasant Hill City Council advocating for district elections, an independent body to draw district maps, and an inclusive and transparent process. (See links to letters below.)
- Spoke during public comment at Pleasant Hill City Council Meetings and District Election Hearings.
- Observed and reported on City Council Meetings.
Pleasant Hill City Council made a decision in March 2023 to move from at-large to by-district elections, beginning with the November 2024 election. The ordinance adopted by the Pleasant Hill City Council on July 17, 2023, includes a 5-district map that a preponderance of residents supported.
Pleasant Hill residents and LWVDV members Ann Flynn, Kathy Gallagher, Yehudit Lieberman, Marian Shostrom, and Michelle Simone have been actively involved for the past several months. League members provided educational forums, advocated for outreach to the community, and for transparency in the process.