President’s Letter May 2021

President’s Letter May 2021

Blog Post

Our Nominating Chair, Gail Murray, has been pulling together leadership sessions to identify the work of the President and the leadership team that is essential and can be supported by volunteers in much smaller "bites".  -- Suzan

Join the Leadership Team—in Small Bites

 No candidate has emerged to become the LWVDV President in the next term.  Our strong committees are considering a model which rotates the Board leadership on a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly basis.  In this model, the leadership team would operate more smoothly with a little help from their friends—you! 
The Nominating Committee has divided the leadership roles into discrete tasks that could be taken on by individuals in small bites.  By volunteering, you would learn the jobs involved in leadership without the commitment of a time-consuming role like President.  Your involvement would ensure that our League would continue next year as the influential organization it is.


  • Meeting Preparation:  You would be on the inside track in all League business, such as action and advocacy, civil discourse, and public programs. You would assist the committee in charge of the Board meeting by contacting the relevant leaders, assembling the items needed for a decision and forwarding the material to Board five days before the meeting. 
  • Chair Meetings: Are you skillful at keeping meetings flowing?  The agenda and the backup material would be provided.  Your responsibility would be to help the Board reach consensus and to make sure that the next steps are outlined and assigned.
  • Speakers Bureau:  Rotary, Los Medanos College, faith groups—these are some of the organizations that call upon our League for a speaker.  The topic could be any that we study or take positions on, from voter education, to social justice, to redistricting.  You would be given briefing materials to prepare.  If you enjoy educating the community and are comfortable speaking before a group, join this team.
  • External collaboration:  Serve as our link to the Bay Area League, the California League and the US League.  Keep up-to-date on what is happening at these levels and inform the rotating Board leadership. Let the membership in on what’s happening by writing articles for the Voter.
  • Annual Meeting Preparation:  This is a once-a-year task.  Make the meeting arrangements, work with the leadership team on the agenda, appoint the parliamentarian—and bring cookies!

Our League needs you now!

Exercise your leadership in a small bite and help us remain viable next year.  Contact the Nominating Committee Chair Gail Murray at murrayconsult [at] for more information or to volunteer. Your response will be highlighted at the Annual Membership meeting in June.

This article is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Board of Directors
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley