League Leaders and Members:
Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a good holiday season
We are in a challenging time and LWV at all levels has important work in progress.
Our LWVDV Program Planning meeting will take place on Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 am at the Willow Pass Community Center in Concord. Please plan to attend and participate in our discussion about LWVDV priorities for the 2025-2026 year. We need input from our members! We'll be serving refreshments afterwards for some good mingling time -- please plan to attend.
We are getting our Action-Advocacy team meetings going again with new leadership. The first meeting will be on Monday, January 20 at 3:00 to 5:00 pm on Zoom.
We will also be conducting Legislative Interviews with our state senator and representatives. These interviews will help LWVC plan for the legislative term, and need to be completed by the end of February. Please contact mary [at] lwvdv.org (subject: Legislative%20interviews) if you want to get involved. We need volunteers to schedule interviews, ask the questions, and take notes during the interviews. In the past, some meetings have been in person and others on Zoom. The format is different this year: we will not have topics provided by LWVC but instead we'll ask each legislator about their priorities.
LWVUS has taken on some big projects, including a Federal Judiciary Study. At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to proceed with a study of the federal judiciary to be completed on a fast-track timeline in time for a position statement to be announced at the LWVUS Council in June 2025. Local Leagues will be holding discussions in early 2025 to respond to consensus questions that will shape the new position. More information on the study and local League participation is here. We need members to assist with this study by reading LWVUS materials and serving as resources at the consensus meeting -- please email me at president [at] lwvdv.org (subject: Federal%20Judiciary%20Study) if you are interested!
Looking forward to seeing you in 2025!
Mary Schreiber, LWVDV President