League Leaders and Members:
We are closing in on Election Day, the last day of voting. Many of us have already cast our ballots and received confirmation that they were received and counted.
As we head into the uncertainty of the next couple of weeks or so, I am glad LWV US is there to help guide us through this time. I hope that cooler heads will prevail, but we will have to see what develops. Our December 12th Community Conversation will address post-election concerns.
We will have some downtime over the holidays with no Voter or Board meeting in December -- but we will keep you informed via emails during that time, and we have several activities and projects coming up after the first of the year that you won’t want to miss.
First, Legislative Interviews will have a different format this year. LWVC will not be providing detailed topics for us to ask our State Assemblymembers and Senators. Instead, we will be asking them about their Legislative priorities and the local issues that concern us. These interviews are conducted in January and early February with reports due to LWVC in late February. Many members enjoy participating in these interviews. More details here. To volunteer, email me at president [at] lwvdv.org.
We will also hold our Membership Meeting in February to discuss our Program Priorities for the 2025-2026 year. The meeting is a chance for members to give input and discuss what LWVDV with focus on during the upcoming year. Read more about LWVDV Priorities here, and start thinking about where you think our time and energy are needed in our communities during non-election times.
Yours in League,
Mary Schreiber, LWVDV President