by Marian Shostrom and Pat Snyder, LWVDV Health Care Issue Co-Chairs
The New York State League (LWVNYS) is asking local Leagues to support putting a Concurrence with the LWVNYS positions on Healthcare and Financing Healthcare (December 2021) on the 2022 LWVUS convention agenda so that it can be discussed and voted on. This action does not imply that local Leagues need to support the concurrence, simply that a discussion and vote is desired at the convention.
- League Positions and Concurrence: The League takes positions on public issues after members have studied an issue and achieved consensus on the research results and implications. A League position serves as the basis for advocacy. League members cannot advocate on an issue unless the League has a position. (For more information about League positions, see https://www.lwv.org/impact-issues.)
Changes to the language of the national position require a new national study. Language can also be added by concurrence with a study that was done at another level of the League, such as the NY state League. A local League can adopt another League’s position if the members adopt that position through concurrence with the position.
- LWVUS Position on Health Care: The League Position on Health Care was announced by the LWVUS in April 1993 after lengthy study. In June 2016, the position was supplemented by concurrence to add Behavioral Health.Most local and state Leagues now use the national health care position instead of adopting their own.
You can view the full Health Care position in the LWVUS Impact on Issues 2020-2022 A GUIDE TO PUBLIC POLICY POSITIONS.
LWVNYS Health Care Study and Proposal
The New York State League finished a two-year study in 2021 to update the LWVNYS positions on Healthcare and Financing Health Care to reflect changes in medical practice and public policy, and to address current concerns, including health care inequities that have grown more severe in recent years. During the study and drafting of these positions, the study committee reviewed the LWVUS position on Health Care with LWVUS staff to ensure that the LWVNYS position did not conflict with the LWVUS position.
The concurrence process allows other Leagues to accept the LWVNYS study as if they had done it locally themselves.
What does the concurrence add?
- Goals: Universal and equitable access to comprehensive care; expanded delivery options to reach vulnerable populations, ensure quality care and safe staffing; and support for health care decisions made by patients with medical professionals rather than for-profit entities.
- Financing & administration: Explicitly favors “single-payer” funding with access to health insurance independent of employment status.
Study materials show that single payer systems can achieve equitable and universal access and cost containment (by reducing waste and corporate profit). The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the dangers of people losing health insurance when they lose a job.
In the absence of a national program funding universal health care, the new language allows states to enact programs, provided they comply with League principles. The principles can be found in Impact on Issues, which is organized so that “Taking Action” is front and center followed by the League Principles.
- Cost controls: Cost-control measures should reflect the most credible, evidence-based research available, and should not exacerbate disparities among patients.
- Public participation: Explicit support for transparent administration, with regular assessment of public health metrics and coverage, cost, and funding decisions.
- New York State Full Study Materials
- Pro/Con Considerations & more