Vote with the League! CA Ballot Measure Recommendations 2024

Vote with the League! CA Ballot Measure Recommendations 2024

Vote with the League!

Each election, the League of Women Voters of California analyzes all statewide ballot measures and makes recommendations for voters based on our positions. We call this Vote with the League!

Here are our voting recommendations from the League of Women Voters of California for the California statewide propositions on the 2024 ballot. Click the links to see the description and analyis. 

YES on Prop 2 - School & Community College Facility Bonds

YES on Prop 3 - Freedom to Marry

YES on Prop 4 - Climate Protection Project Bonds

YES on Prop 5 - Lower Voting Threshold On Local Housing & Infrastructure Bonds

YES on Prop 6  - End Slavery in California Act

YES on Prop 32- Raise Minimum Wage To $18

NEUTRAL on Prop 33 - Expands Local Authority To Enact Rent Control On Residential Property

NO POSITION on Prop 34 - Restricts Spending By Health Care Providers Meeting Specified Criteria

NO on Prop 35 - Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services

NO on Prop 36 - Increase Penalties for Theft And Drug Trafficking

Share our Vote with the League flyer with your family and friends. 


Looking for more ballot information? 
  • See Pros & Cons, a nonpartisan explanation of state propositions, with supporting and opposing arguments.
  • Visit to look up your personalized ballot. 
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LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee
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Diablo Valley