by Marian Shostrom and Cindy Mataraso, Voter’s Edge County Coordinators
A dedicated team of volunteers, LWVDV members Patti Bittenbender, Sue Brandy, Kathi Bruce, Tiffany Martin, Cindy Mataraso, Marian Shostrom, and Sue Boudreau from LWV West Contra Costa worked on the “back end” of Voter’s Edge so that voters had information about candidates and one measure for the June 7, 2022 Primary Election. As of May 28th, 72% of the 32 candidates in Contra Costa County posted information on Voter’s Edge.
The November 8, 2022 General Election will include more than 100 contests, with hundreds of candidates seeking office. We will need additional volunteers to help us contact candidates, research information, enter data, and post content. Experience with Google Docs is helpful but not necessary. Training will be provided in August, and most of the work will be done in September and October.
If you want to learn more, please email us at votersedge [at]