Voter Services News - September 2021

Voter Services News - September 2021

Voter Registration at Anticoh Library

by Shawn Gilbert, LWVDV Vice-President and School Voter Engagement Chair

September 28 was National Voter Registration Day!
LWV Diablo Valley joined with the Antioch, Clayton, and Lafayette Libraries to celebrate this important day of recognition for our right to vote. A big THANK YOU to each of the League members who joined with the librarians to celebrating this day of fun and registering fellow citizens:
  • Antioch Library (Jacquelyn Higgins, Librarian):  Martha Goralka and Valencia Cleveland (in photo above)
  • Clayton Library (Dori DeCommer, Librarian): Fran McNamee and Bette Boatmun
  • Lafayette Library (Chris Gray, Librarian): Izzy Martinez and Shawn Gilbert
Get Out the Youth Vote!
Another big THANK YOU goes to several other LWVDV members who partnered with the County Office of Elections at Diablo Valley College (DVC) and Los Medanos College (LMC) for two successful, fun days -- September 7 and 9 -- informing young adults about registering to vote and about voting in the California Governor Recall Election.
  • Diablo Valley College: Suzan Requa, Cathleen Kirk, Joanne Supersad, Shawn Gilbert, Mykaela Ebano (League DVC student Intern)
  • Los Medanos College: Suzan Requa, Joanne Supersad, Shawn Gilbert


This article is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Voter Services Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley