Voter Services: Step Into the Election Ring with Us!

Voter Services: Step Into the Election Ring with Us!

Election Observers Program
Photo: Martha Goralka and Shawn Gilbert were presented with certificates of accomplishment by the Board of Supervisors for completing the County Office of Elections’ first ever Certified Election Observer program (CEO). The County will offer this opportunity again in the fall.  Martha and Shawn highly recommend joining in the next in-depth program to see and learn about how our county elections are run! 
Pictured: Tommy Gong (Deputy County Clerk Recorder), Martha Goralka, Debi Cooper (County Clerk-Recorder), Shawn Gilbert, Helen Nolan (Assistant Registrar)

Step Into the Election Ring with Us!

We’ve all heard the saying that there “is a time and season for every purpose.”  August is mostly a month of rest for the Voter Services team - a time to vacation and to catch up with family and friends. Come September, the Voter Services “season” begins to ramp up as we approach the November mid-term election.  Please join us in this crucial election’s "Get Out the Vote" and voter education efforts. 

We invite members to dedicate themselves to Democracy in Action as the League partners with dozens of organizations in presenting Pros & Cons, registering voters, and introducing candidates at Forums and Roundtables.  

League Roundtables are held in conjunction with CCTV, the Elections Department and the LWV of West Contra Costa County.  Professional broadcasters serve as moderators for the Roundtable events.  We need two timers for each Roundtable slot – usually a morning and an afternoon session– plus someone to facilitate the next Roundtable candidates drawing to determine candidate speaking order.  In addition, we will need someone who can pick up and drop off lunch for the CCTV staff.  This year, the two Leagues will be in charge of inviting the Candidates, selecting the races to invite, and creating the Roundtable schedule.  The Elections Department will pay for the broadcast costs.

Live Forums will need a League moderator, two timers, two question card distributors/collectors and a question sorter.  Think about which role you would like to play!

Voter’s Edge (VE) is a key educational tool for voters to learn about their candidates and the issues. Join us to make follow up phone calls to candidates to encourage them to complete their VE profiles and introduce themselves to the voters! 

Just as the fall season colors enrich our neighborhoods, October will be completely focused on getting out the vote.  Join us!  

If you are interested in helping with Voter Service activities for the November 2022 Election, please contact Martha and Shawn at [at]

This article is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Voter Services Committee
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley