Our September 6 meeting will be at the Concord Library from 6 pm to 8 pm. Light snacks, voter registration training, overview of VotersEdge.org and Pros and Cons presentations. Bring your calendar, to sign up for volunteer opportunities!
You are invited! TEAM BUILDING FUN. Transitional Board Retreat. Your ideas are essential to meeting the challenges of modernizing and expanding our LWVDV outreach.
LWV Diablo Valley's Annual Meeting includes a business meeting followed by speaker Candace Andersen, County Supervisor District II. A quorum is needed for this meeting and there is a small attendance fee for the business meeting (no fee for just the speaker). RSVPs are needed.
Joe Canciamilla, Contra Costa County Clerk Recorder, will update us on changes in election procedures. [See our blog post with information from this meeting.]