LWV Diablo Valley Civic Engagement Committee

LWV Diablo Valley Civic Engagement Committee

The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley is a non-partisan, non-profit organization and our mission is to make democracy work. In order for this to happen, civic engagement must be strong and everyone must feel welcome to participate without fear of criticism or intimidation. We provide citizens with access to the information, skills, and resources they need to play an active role in this civic engagement.

Some of the skills called for in this time of extreme polarization and uncivil debate include:
  • Civil Discourse: How to engage in democratic debate and exercise your First Amendment rights effectively by listening to understand, looking for common ground, and actively speaking up without starting a showdown in public, online, or in private.

For more information, see: Civil Discourse - What You Need to Know.

  • Media Literacy: How to verify reliable information that you can share with family and friends and to discern what constitutes misinformation or disinformation:
    • Misinformation: Inadvertently sharing false information without the intent to harm. (Example: Your sister says that the latest local bill will raise taxes because that’s what she heard from a trusted friend.)
    • Disinformation: Intentionally sharing false information with the intent to mislead.(Example: Your sister lies that the latest local bill will raises taxes because she knows that’s the only way you won’t support it.)

For more information, see Mis and Disinformation - What You Need to Know.

Examples of our Civic Engagement committee activities include:
  • Staffing a table at community events to explain and distribute Civil Discourse brochures.
  • Speaking about Civil Discourse at public meetings, such as Board of Supervisor, Mayors Conference, political party central committees, and others.
  • Developing a Civil Discourse code of conduct protocol for on-line meetings.
  • Giving a presentation about recognizing and combating misinformation and disinformation. 

On March 22, the Board of Supervisors unanimously passed Resolution 2022/73, the pledge to employ Civil Discourse developed and presented to them by the LWVDV Civil Discourse Team. The presentation was well received and the Supervisors expressed real public appreciation for our League. See Supervisors Adopt LWVDV's Civil Discourse Pledge and the Board of Supervisor's Resolution adopting best practices for civil discourse for more details.

Concerned about polarization and mis/disinformation?

We are actively seeking new members for the Civic Engagement Committee - people who are concerned about political intimidation, polarization and misinformation! To join the team, to volunteer or for more information, please email Melanie Speir at civic.engagement [at] lwvdv.org

Volunteer - Hands holding letters


Civic Engagement Committee News and Events

For events and news related to the LWVDV Civic Engagement Committee, see "All Posts Related to this Committee" below.


Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Melanie Speir
Contact Number: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley

All Posts Related to this Committee

Fake news laptop
Event Date: 
Aug 22 2024 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Lafayette Library

Please join the League of Women Voters Diablo Valley for a presentation on misinformation and disinformation - how to spot it, how to stop it, and how to report it, with a special focus on the 2024 election.

Fake news laptop
Event Date: 
Jun 25 2024 06:00 pm to 07:30 pm
Event location: 

Moraga Library

Please join the League of Women Voters Diablo Valley for a presentation on misinformation and disinformation - how to spot it, how to stop it, and how to report it, with a special focus on the 2024 election.

Fake news laptop
Event Date: 
Jun 04 2024 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Walnut Creek Library

Please join the League of Women Voters Diablo Valley for a presentation on misinformation and disinformation - how to spot it, how to stop it, and how to report it, with a special focus on the 2024 election.

CC County Voter Registration trailer
Event Date: 
Jan 25 2024 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Event location: 


Are you wondering if your vote counts? Has your confidence in our election system been shaken by reports about misconduct by election officials? Tommy Gong, Chief Deputy Clerk-Recorder for Contra Costa County will share his experiences with the California voting system at this webinar.

Civil Discourse words

How can we restore public trust in our elections? How do we move forward in an environment of polarization and disinformation? These questions and others were explored at the 9/19 LWV/NICD Networks event by a panel of five innovators in the field of Civic Engagement, including our own Janet Hoy.

Civil Discourse words
Event Date: 
Sep 19 2023 12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Event location: 

View on Zoom. (See below for details.)

How do we build trust and participation in our democracy? How do we get beyond where we are now? What innovations are having success?

Ready to Rumble
Event Date: 
Apr 12 2023 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Walnut Creek Library - Contra Costa County Library

The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley invites you to appetizers and a fight.

Will there be a real fight? No! 

Civil Discourse words

Civil Discourse is courteous, constructive communication characterized by mutual respect, openness and attentive listening. It helps people bridge divides and facilitates the informed discussion of public issues essential for government bodies and citizens to make good decisions.

Misinformation and Disinforomation

The effects of misinformation and disinformation (also called “fake news”) are damaging to public trust in institutions and elections, and pose a threat to democracy itself.

What is Civil Discourse?

Civil Discourse team report: Civic engagement, misinformation, and disinformation were the subject of several excellent LWVUS webinars at last month’s national convention. Among the topics discussed were the neurological basis of “Them versus Us” perceptions, effective techniques for identifying and addressing misinformation or disinformation, and tools for dealing with them.
