Immigration Rights - Monthly Membership Meeting

Immigration Rights - Monthly Membership Meeting


Diablo Valley College Community Conference Center
Golf Club Road Parking Lot 7
Pleasant Hill California 94523
California US
Saturday, April 21, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Resources for immigrants in Contra Costa County will be discussed by speakers from the following organizations:

  • Nicole Zapata representing East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE) and Raise the Roof in Contra Costa

EBASE focuses on building a just economy in the East Bay based on good jobs and healthy communities. EBASE convenes Raise the Roof, a coalition of community, labor, and faith organizations, which works to ensure that everyone has a home as well as a sense of safety and belonging.

  •  Tony Bravo representing the Contra Costa Immigrant Rights Alliance

CCIRA seeks to end ICE collaboration in Contra Costa and to promote immigrant rights, inclusion and spirit of welcome in cities throughout the county.

  •  William Colin representing Stand Together Contra Costa

The mission of Stand Together, in partnership with Contra Costa County, philanthropy and community-based organizations, provides rapid-response legal services to ensure that all people in the county are afforded the rights established in the Constitution.

 Speakers will be available for questions from the audience.

Contact Information
Marian Shostrom
info [at]
Issues referenced by this event: 
Immigration policies should promote reunification of immediate families; meet economic, business and employment needs; and be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises.