This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom. (See below for details.)
See map: Google Maps
Saturday, January 30, 2021 - 9:30am
Our annual Program Planning meeting sets our priorities for our local League and determines our recommendations to other levels of League for their priorities. This is our time to brainstorm, discuss and recommend the issues that will focus our work and make it effective in the coming months.
A quorum is needed for a quick administrative vote at the start of the meeting.
- Revision of Article Seventh of the Articles of Incorporation - A QUORUM IS NEEDED !
- Setting LWVDV Program Priorities for 2021-22
- Recommending LWVC Program Priorities for 2021-23
Click here to access meeting documents.
QUORUM VOTE: Revision of Article Seventh of the Articles of Incorporation
- In order to ensure that the League, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization, can stop paying property taxes on our Lafayette office and recoup taxes paid for the past four years, we need to modify our Articles of Incorporation. Although we updated the same article last year, the language was not specific enough to get approved.
- For the exact wording of the new Article SEVENTH, click here.
- This version of Article SEVENTH has been preliminarily approved by the State Board of Equalization, and we need our members to formally approve the new language in order to proceed.
Meeting Details:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84140770477?pwd=S3dwVGhNTzYrTEFFeDVxQzhqUzZZdz09
Meeting ID: 841 4077 0477
Passcode: 384848
To attend by phone, call: 669-900-9128