May 2022 LWVDV Board Meeting (ONLINE ONLY)

May 2022 LWVDV Board Meeting (ONLINE ONLY)


online, via Zoom
California US
Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
 Board Briefs for May 2022
At its meeting on May 12, the LWVDV Board took the following actions:
  • Approved four virtual delegates to the LWVUS Convention: Shawn Gilbert, Anne Granlund, Janet Hoy, and Marian Shostrom, with seven additional virtual observers.
  • Approved three documents prepared by the Board Assessment Committee to guide League process.
The Board also:
  • Reviewed the draft budget for 2022-23. 
  • Planned the Annual Meeting.
  • Received reports from Committees and Teams: Bylaws, Civil Discourse, Community Conversations, Membership, Voter Services, and Action/Advocacy.
  • Reluctantly concluded that no Board members were available to participate in the County Elections Department Observer Panel for the Primary Election.
At a special Board meeting on May 26, the Board approved three pieces of the Annual Meeting kit:
  • Proposed budget
  • Proposed change in the Articles of Incorporation
  • Proposed Bylaws changes

This is the regular monthly meeting of the LWV Diablo Valley Board. Agenda items may include financial reports, advocacy decisions and updates, voter service activity plans and information, program planning for future studies and meetings, and membership update.

All League meetings are open to the public.

If you have an item for discussion, please president [at] (contact the LWVDV President)

Zoom conference information will be sent to Board Members a few days prior to the meeting. If you are not on the Board, please send an email to president [at] to request the Zoom details. 

(For assistance with using Zoom, click here for a  tutorial video.)

Contact Information
Shawn Gilbert
president [at]
This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Board of Directors