Medicare, Privatization, and the Menace of "Value-Based" Care

Medicare, Privatization, and the Menace of "Value-Based" Care

Health care image


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Dr. Ana Malinow will present information about privatization of Medicare: "From the Board Room to the Exam Room: Medicare, Privatization, and the Menace of "Value-Based' Care."  

Ana Malinow spent three decades working as a pediatrician with immigrant, refugee and underserved children in Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and California before retiring as Clinical Professor of Pediatrics from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. She is past president of Physicians for a National Health Program and has been featured on national and international television and radio on health care reform and the stealth privatization of traditional Medicare. She is currently a lead organizer for National Single Payer and The Movement to End Privatization of Medicare.

We will also be talking about the future of the LWV-Healthcare Interest Group (LWV-HCIG). 

REGISTER HERE TO RECEIVE A LINK TO THE MEETING. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank you! 


Contact Information
Hank Abrons (LWVBAE)
healthcare [at]
This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Health Care Issues Group