Our First "Points of View" Program: A Conversation about Income Inequality

Our First "Points of View" Program: A Conversation about Income Inequality

Speech balloons


Walnut Creek Public Library,
1644 N. Broadway Oak View room, second floor.
Walnut Creek California 94596
California US
Sunday, October 29, 2023 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
This month's topic: Guaranteed Income Projects in Contra Costa County and the Bay Area, a continuation of the October Community Conversation on Income Inequality and Guaranteed Income.

Join with other League members to learn about how income inequality affects our communities and learn how local guaranteed income programs work. We will begin with an overview of the topic and then break out into smaller groups for facilitated conversation and discussion. Then tell us what you think!
We’d love to hear your point of view!
RSVP to Janet Hoy at janet [at] lwvdv.org. Attendance is limited to 25 attendees so sign up soon!
Contact Information
Janet Hoy
janet [at] lwvdv.org
This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Community Conversation Team